Professionally - A kind of make it happen person! A lifelong appetite for all things nautical, ocean sailing, navigation and meteorology.
Seeking position as an ad-hoc Captain/Skipper and On-Board Tutor.
Skills and Qualifications
28th February 2002 – MCA/RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
15th November 2002 - RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Theory + Royal Navy Practical
09th November 2002 - RYA Sea Survival
07th March 1986 – RYA VHF Radio Telephony
10th December 2002 - Long Range Radio Certificate (Issued by UK Secretary of State)
09th November 2002 - 1st Aid
01st November 1966 - Safety at Sea/Sea Survival
25th February 2002 - ICC Power/Sail
23rd July 2016 - ICC Power/Sail (Renewal)
Nautical Miles: 70,000 - 75,000.
From a sailing perspective, I hold a full RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate and the RYA Ocean Yachtmaster theory qualification, but ex naval navigator, including vhf and long-range radio certificates. I started sailing in 1954 and have been sailing solo since 1963. My passion for ocean sailing and routing and meteorology is well known, including a gold medal presented to me by both the French and Canadian authorities in 2008 for undertaking this work (free of charge), in taking 60 yachts in both directions from La Rochelle – Quebec – La Rochelle. Known as the Grande Traversée de l'Atlantique, this was part of the festivities celebrating the 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec. This included taking a number of yachts through the eye of massive hurricane Bertha in real time.
With plenty of free time since residing on the banks of the Firth of Forth, I give back a lifetime’s sailing experience to assist boat owners/skippers, etc with any sailing requirements they may have. This can be at any time during the 7-day week and for any duration, from day sailing to passage making, to delivery, whether it is coastal, offshore or ocean if short-handed, etc.
I have met and discussed with many boat owners over the years, who intend to undertake great voyages and a vast percentage are not prepared. My strength is to share my experience to allow owners achieve their ambitions while on passage.
Discretion and confidentiality assured at all times.
RYA: Yachtmaster Ocean, Inne: 28th February 2002 – MCA/RYA Yachtmaster Offshore\n15th November 2002 - RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Theory + Royal Navy Practical\n09th November 2002 - RYA Sea Survival\n07th March 1986 – RYA VHF Radio Telephony\n10th December 2002 - Long Range Radio Certificate (Issued by UK Secretary of State)\n09th November 2002 - 1st Aid\n01st November 1966 - Safety at Sea/Sea Survival\n25th February 2002 - ICC Power/Sail\n23rd July 2016 - ICC Power/Sail (Renewal)\n
SRC (1986), LRC (2002)
Lata praktyki jako skipper:
> 20
Doświadczenie w prowadzeniu jachtów:
jednokadłubowy, katamaran
Długość [m]:
< 12 , 12 - 16, 16,1 - 24, > 24
Rodzaj napędu:
żaglowy, motorowy
Praktyczna znajomość akwenów:
Morze Północne, Francja, Hiszpania, Karaiby, wody oceaniczne
Prowadziłem rejsy z załogami:
rodzina z dziećmi, dorośli
Lat jako szkolący:
< 5
Odbytych szkoleń jako kadra:
< 5
Pełnione funkcje szkoleniowe:
Nie ma jeszcze żadnych opinii.
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Pro-Skippers Group Sp. z o.o.
ul. Płochocińska 140A
03-044 Warszawa